Welcome to NexMil, your all-in-one financial services hub right in the palm of your hand. Our mobile app is designed with the modern investor in mind, providing a comprehensive approach to managing your investments, mortgages, real estate information, and net worth at a glance.

Key Features

  • Referral Rewards: Share the benefits of the NexMil App with friends and family. Earn in-app rewards as our community grows.

  • Mortgage Information: Stay updated on your mortgage details, making it easier to capitalize on lower interest rates.

  • Secure & Confidential: Your data security is our utmost priority. Rest assured, your information is safe with us.

Upcoming Features

  • Investment Tracking: Keep an eye on your investments in real time. Watch your money work for you.

  • Net Worth Overview: Track your net worth and financial progress. Witness your financial growth at a glance.

Love our services? Download the NexMil App today and refer your friends
to earn valuable in-app rewards. NexMil, we make life easier.